Friday, November 18, 2011

What Makes Illusion Mage the Best 3D Software for Many Visual Artists?

I've been trying to learn what all of the buzz is about. Graphic designers, illustrators, game designers, and many other visual artists, amateurs and professionals alike, are absolutely crazy about Illusion Mage. But is Illusion Mage the best 3D software that money can buy? Many say it is.

Among the countless reviews I have found across the web, I was actually unable to find so much as a negative word about this exciting new software. Nearly everyone enthusiastically claimed that it exceeded their expectations in every way. The sheer volume of applications a user can access seems to be its number one selling point, while the 6 hours of detailed video instruction runs a very close second.

I've seen a handful of creations which have been cranked out using this cutting-edge tool and can honestly tell you that, from my own perspective, the results are absolutely mind-blowing. People love the software's user-friendliness and clean site navigation.

In fact, numerous advanced users of Illusion Mage have actually said that not only is this $47 piece of software every bit as good as a professional studio set-up such as 3D Max and Maya, but perhaps even a little better! So does this really make Illusion Mage the best 3D software? Well, I don't know if I would go quite that far, as I think Dreamworks or Pixar might have something to say about that...

However, is Illusion Mage the best 3D software in its price range? It would seem to me that almost every user on the planet who has done a product review on Illusion Mage would basically laugh at that question, stating in no uncertain terms "Of course it is, silly!" That's just my take, obviously, but it is based on many, many customer reviews and testimonials.

Again, the software comes with over 6 hours of intensive video tutorials which show you how to do every type of animation that the Illusion Mage program is capable of, including complex 3D shading, interactive 3D rigging, advanced 3D modeling, and realistic physics & particles, among others. You can learn to create video games, cartoons, advanced animations, natural environments, 3D architecture, and on and on...

3d animation

Additionally, you will also receive a 200+ page digital guide for you to reference, if you prefer reading. The guide is fully illustrated, too, so you can identify the points which are being made via text. Together, this gives you all the training you could ever need to operate this system with as much efficiency, confidence, and pleasure as possible. This is really what sets this software apart from most others, and arguably makes Illusion Mage the best 3D software that you can buy for under $1000... and again, it's only 47 bucks!

When it's all said and done, I would encourage anyone who is serious about staying within a reasonable budget while still utilizing the power of all the latest graphics technologies - with full instruction - to take a closer look at Illusion Mage. They offer a money-back guarantee that extends an entire two months. So learn it, use it, and if you don't agree with the masses, give it back and be out nothing. Not a bad deal, right?

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