Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is This Software Worth the Investment?

3d animation
Going through the internet and reading all of the Illusion Mage reviews out there, a few things have stuck out like sore thumbs to me. Virtually everyone who has tried this software has said that it has exceeded their expectations. There are a few reasons for this, which we will discuss in this article. I was able to locate one semi-negative review, also. That will be included here as well, so be sure to read every word of this article.

For those of you who don't know, Illusion Mage is a 3D imaging software that allows you to create your own graphics, designs, characters, games, and animations in stunning 3 dimensions. This is the same type of stuff that the good folks over at Pixar are doing. And with this software, the promise is that you will be able to achieve similar results from your home computer!

Again, referring to the multiple Illusion Mage reviews I have cross-referenced, this particular software is every bit as impressive as the super high-end programs like Maya or 3D Max (some even claim that it's MORE impressive), but at a much lower price tag and with a far shorter learning curve. Shorter learning curve?

When you invest in this particular software, you're not just given the technology and then thrown to the wolves. The product creator, Seth Avery, certainly doesn't believe in that approach. Instead, you are also given a massive 6 hours of video instruction, providing you with in-depth, fail-proof tutorials for any and all animation styles that appeal to you. If you prefer to read your instructions, they have also included over 200 pages of illustrated guides for you to reference.

Another thing that the multiple Illusion Mage reviews I've come across have in common is that nearly everyone is extremely impressed with the interface, claiming that it is both attractive and easy to navigate. According to virtually every Illusion Mage review out there, beginning and advanced animators alike will find the functionality and ease of use of its interface to be absolutely unparalleled in the industry.

As for the negative review I promised you, some folks are taken back by the sheer volume of instructional materials included. This is true not in terms of it being overwhelming (it's very well-organized and project-specific), but rather in terms of download times, as there is a ton of information included. This can be bypassed, however, if you decide to take advantage of their physical DVD offer, which many people seem to love.

All in all, the Illusion Mage reviews I was able to study were extremely positive. The low price tag, user friendliness, attention to detail, varied styles, and educational materials have all made a fantastic impression on many animators of varied skill levels. Nearly all of them have stated very clearly that this is a piece of software they would recommend to anyone with a passion for quality animation.

3d animation

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